I have to say that I really never thought I would become a wedding photographer. I was always more into fine art photography. In fact, I never even touched a digital camera until a couple years ago. I ran a darkroom in Vermont and did everything with film the traditional way. Never did I think I would become so deeply involved with photographing people in any form or fashion.
The other day I was thinking of all this and it hit me. I am a photographer who now specializes in wedding photography. I have shot over 20 weddings and I am nearly completely booked through next year. It is truly amazing.
I started to wonder do I really like it. I guess what I mean, is that, do I go, "Oh no, shit, I have a wedding to shoot today." Or, "I would love to go do that, but I have this stupid wedding to photograph and I have to work it, so I can't"
No, No, NO. It is not like that at all. The truth is, I really love photographing weddings. I really do. It is such an important job and such an intimate experience that I really think only certain people can handle. To get great images you need to get close and personal and you need to this with people you have never known previously. You have to be fast. You have to quick and you cannot waste time.
For some reason, I am not sure why, this comes completely 100% natural to me. I just get in there, right away, and get the shots that make my photography stand out and why I continue to get booked up and down the east coast.
My images come directly from my heart. The day wedding photography does not mean as much as it does now to me, is the day I throw in the towel and right now I don't see myself throwing that towel anytime soon.
Dan Straine
Wedding Photography Chatter.
Speaking the truth about his wedding photography on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.