The summer on Hilton Head Island is winding down. Today might possibly be the nicest day of the whole summer. We had a big rainstorm yesterday and it really cooled things down nicely. I was hoping for some nice waves today but that simply did not happen, nor does it happen very much at all here on Hilton Head Island.
I believe it has something to do with the Continental Shelf cutting down the size of the swell moving shoreward. You really need a big swell to have decent waves on Hilton Head. So what else?
I have updated all of my photography equipment and I am now shooting with some of the nicest digital equipment available. It has taken about 10 years of photography for me to be able to appreciate what my new camera can actually offer. The images it produces are spectacular.
I will be revamping my entire portfolio on my website very soon to include my last year of work which is not even up at all yet. This will include photos from when I was on assignment in British Columbia, as well as some work from my years operating a dark room in northern Vermont.
I am also going to try and update this blog more often. If you happen to be looking for a Hilton Head Wedding Photographer, please get in touch with me through